Don't forget, tomorrow is our PINK OUT day!
about 8 hours ago, Jamie Landon
pink out day
Our 7th & 8th graders were able to sign up for a lunch & learn today. A representative from State Farm Insurance came and spoke to them about a career in the insurance business-from management to administration! They even were provided with pizza! 🍕
6 days ago, Jamie Landon
students at lunch & learn
students at lunch & learn
students at lunch & learn
🍊Orange you glad our teachers are UNITED against bullying? Our teachers took a visible stand today to promote kindness and acceptance for ALL of our students. 🧡
6 days ago, Jamie Landon
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
teachers in orange
Today is Career Day where teachers wear shirts of local businesses and discuss those career opportunities with their students! ✨
11 days ago, Jamie Landon
teachers in their shirts
teachers in their shirts
teachers in their shirts
teachers in their shirts
teachers in their shirts
teachers in their shirts
teachers in their shirts
teachers in their shirts
Our student council met this morning with their classroom representatives for the first time. They discussed upcoming events like our 💓Pink Out day and our Veterans Day program that will include a poetry contest! Stay tuned for more information on those! 🇺🇸
11 days ago, Jamie Landon
student council
student council
student council
student council
student council
Ms. Mitchell welcomed back her students with pancakes and heartfelt conversations. 💜🥞
13 days ago, Jamie Landon
students enjoying pancakes
students enjoying pancakes
Mrs. Moore's classes made toy launchers today for a fun first day back.
14 days ago, Jamie Landon
students working
students working
students working
students working
students working
students working
students working
students working
Mrs. Collins welcomed her 8th graders back with snacks, treats, games, and comforting discussions about the past week. We love the safe space she has created for her students. 💜
14 days ago, Jamie Landon
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
Nothing brightens our morning like these sweet smiling faces of our Panthers. We are SO HAPPY to have them back in the building! 🌞💜
14 days ago, Jamie Landon
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
students return to school
This past week, Joshua Bryant from Spartanburg Community College 🏫 came and spoke to our Beech Springs students during their lunch. Students were able to ask Mr. Bryant questions about college and the great opportunities that SCC has to offer. They were able to even learn about the possibilities to start taking dual credit college courses at Byrnes and potentially saving them $$ later. 🙌
26 days ago, Jamie Landon
students with representatives
students with representatives
students with representatives
students with representatives
Mrs. Cramer's classes created maps to and from locations in the school. 🧭Some groups made it to the right place- some didn’t. 🗺️ #geographyrocks
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students using maps
students using maps
students using maps
Mrs. Richards core C class earned a game period for passing 50 iReady reading lessons with 100% averages! Way to go students! 🎉
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
students playing games
Mrs. Collins 8th graders also celebrated National Constitution day by completing one pagers. Great work students! #nationalconstitutionday #panthernation #leadersoftoday
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students working
students working
students working
students working
Take a peek into our Panthers at recess today, all smiles & fun. ✨ #panthernation
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
students at recess
For constitution day, Mrs. Cramer's 7th grade SS classes worked on classroom constitutions. We love to see the classroom collaborations!
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students working
students working
students working
Mrs. Collins 8th grade SS classes created dioramas to complete their unit. Look at that awesome work! 🗺️
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students working
students working
A little rain 🌧️ can't ruin our students day at the Beech! Our kids took advantage of our auxiliary gym today for indoor recess. 💜
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
students playing
Mrs. Mitchells 8th grade SS classes are finishing up their South Carolina Native American unit by making dioramas to review the Cherokee, Catawba, and Yemassee. They needed to know facts about their housing, their clothing, and their daily roles. 👖🧥👕
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
students working
students working
Today we're honoring our Beech Springs Choir led by Mrs. Shiflett. She pours her heart, soul, and voice into this program and does an awesome job! 🎶🎼 #nationalartsineducation #choir
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
In continuing with our Arts in Education week, we want to recognize Mrs. Sosa and the wonderful job she does with our theatre program. Check out these 6th grade theatre students. They touched up on their terminology by playing some competitive games of “Who Am I?” and “Fishbowl”. We’d say they’re ready to take the stage! 🎭 #theatre #artsineducation
about 1 month ago, Jamie Landon
theatre students
theatre students
theatre students
theatre students