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DISCUS, South Carolina's Virtual Library!
Find thousands of magazines, newspapers, and reference books available 24/7 through our online resources. Your media specialist can give you the school login.
School Improvement Council Report
SC Department of Education
South Carolina Career Information System (CIS) is an Internet-based delivery systemfor accurate, comprehensive, current, and relevant occupational, post-secondary school and financial aid information. CIS contains the latest national, South Carolina and local labor market data and projections. CIS also includes information on: Job interview preparation, Resume and cover letter creation, How to keep a job, Self-employment, and Military occupations. CIS is designed to support lifelong career exploration, and career planning and decision-making through easy to use, straightforward search and sorting utilities, and an online portfolio for saving information from all system components. Get your login from the media specialist at BHS.
We Speak student. To assist students in preparing for the ACT, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, and AP exams, the SCVSP offers Shmoop test preparation free-of-charge to any public, private, or home school student in the state of South Carolina whether they are enrolled in the SCVSP or not.
Spartanburg County School District Five
Student Handbook
Study Island
Web-based instruction, practice, assessment and reporting built from YOUR state‘s standards
USATestprep, Inc. is an online resource to help students learn. Each of our products is custom-designed to help high school and middle school students understand their state's required standards and prepare them for high-stakes, standardized tests. Our subscribers include thousands of teachers and millions of students in schools, and districts across the country.