In South Carolina, a teacher is considered "induction" during their first year in the classroom.  Spartanburg District Five is proud to have welcomed 44 induction teachers into our schools this year.  The entire group was honored during the formal celebration for the passion and enthusiasm they have brought to District Five classrooms.  Administrators also recognized mentor teachers at each school who have guided and assisted each new educator during their first year on the job.

Lea Elizabeth Harrison, Cathcart's mentor teacher, has worked closely with the young teacher to assist with any challenges she faced in her first year.  "I can say with true confidence that Emily already 'gets it', which I think is a true testament to her innate ability as a teacher," Harrison said in her recommendation of Cathcart.  "She 'gets' that being a teacher surpasses the 90 minutes that we spend with students in the classroom, but that we must be a team player in the larger school climate."

Cathcart will now be nominated for the title of South Carolina Induction Teacher of the Year, sponsored by the SC Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.  

Congratulations to Emily Cathcart!