Schoology Login Information

To sign up for a new Schoology account

If you don't already have a Schoology account, go to and click Parent.

  1. Enter your Access Code. This is a 12-digit code in xxxx-xxxx-xxxx format that you receive from one of your child's instructors.

  2. Fill out the form with your information.

  3. Click Register to complete.

When you use a Parent Access Code to create an account, you are automatically associated to your child. You can add additional children to your account using the Add Child button.

Note: If your children attend different schools that are not in the same district (or are not part of the same Schoology Enterprise account), you will see the following error message when you attempt to use the Add Child button to link your account to theirs:

Parents must have an account at each of their children's schools. For example, if you have one child at a High School, and one child at a Middle School, you must have accounts at both schools and then link your accounts together. The feature enables you to toggle between accounts without having to log out and back in, and it lets each school separately manage your parent accounts and then communicate with you as necessary.